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“Where is the real Singapore today? Am I living in the Matrix?”

Posted by intellisg on May 23, 2007

matrix.jpg Perhaps I am being obscure again. But have you ever being assaulted by the sinking feeling you’re a stranger in your own land? Yes, I know it sounds like the “realization” scene from the Sci-Fi movie, “The Matrix.” But please bear with me and allow me to explain.

1.“Something strange is happening. I just can’t put my finger on it!” – Neo, The Matrix

Have you for example passed a Peranakan building only to wonder why it’s suddenly turned into an Italian restaurant? Or why there is so much glass and steel in China town just off Tanjong Pagar? And what happened to the bustling community of street vendors that once plied their trade and wares there? Like me, do you find yourself wondering how it seems everything these days is mindlessly turned into a giant hermetically sealed glass and steel soviet warehouse? Or when you are just walking around aimlessly in a mall – are you are suddenly seized by the realization, “Hey, this is my day off! What am I doing here, shopping? This isn’t supposed to be fun! This is so unreal, really it is! Is it?” Welcome to the surreal and “unreal” Singaporean lifestyle of today, otherwise known as the Matrix. It’s one that compels us all to ask,

“Where is the real Singapore today? Am I living in the matrix?”

Now I am not discounting for one moment my paranoia could be due to my skewered history as a bent individual. Even today it amazes me how I could manufacture great reams of nostalgia for a childhood that was, in truth, averagely miserable – for example, I am one of those who still lament the sacking of the old red brick National Library and when I enter the space age high tech one in Bugis. It just doesn’t feel the same. The books are still there, but there’s something amiss and it leaves a metallic taste at the back of my mouth that I can’t seem to shake off. Have you ever had one of those feelings before?

I get that sort of feeling at least 3 to 4 times a day. Recently, I had drinks with a few of my classmates in Chimes only to realize somewhere between the third or fourth pitcher, I could perhaps have been magically transported to some Al Fresco drink hole in Anywhereville in middle America. All around me there were Ang Moh’s. Yes, I know I should be quite accustomed to them by now. Really I don’t have any excuse. After all I was educated overseas, but nonetheless I found myself gradually swelling with a sense of estrangement and in no time there I was again; a stranger in my own country. Its enough for me to ask again,

“Where is the real Singapore today? Am I living in the matrix?”

Are we fashioning a global city that edges out the familiar at the expense of the alien? I may be vague or even obscure again, but I know somewhere in the pipeline there is a plan to ram up the population to 6.5 million. How does sit with my notion of the real Singapore? Will you or I wake up one day only to find ourselves working, living and playing in a country that we hardly know as the “real” Singapore anymore? But instead resembled some odd caricature of where east and west meets only to end up as Limboville? Again I find myself asking the question,

“Where is the real Singapore today? Am I living in the matrix?”

2. “The matrix is all around us, we just can’t see it, but it’s there Neo…it’s always there….you just need to look for it…’s there.” Morpheus – The Matrix.

One clue to answering this disturbing question lies in dwelling deeper into the word, “real.” What does “real” Singapore or for that matter “real” anything really mean? Well if we put everything in Singapore and boil it down. We would probably be left with a few genres of reality like Singlish, Orchard Rd and perhaps even the Merlion who keeps vomiting water. But surely there must be more to this whole notion of the “real” Singapore? Or is this whole debate of being swarmed by the surreal and unreal only a figment of my imagination? Maybe I am just making a big deal out of nothing; and this struggle between artificial and real doesn’t actually exist? After all I shouldn’t be too concern, its just progress isn’t it. There no matrix – Right?

Think again!

I believe finding the “real” Singapore may actually lay in retracing where we’ve allowed “fake” to supersede our definition of “reality.” That’s to say we need to work backwards to find out how did we actually create the matrix in the first place?

If you think this is a flippant statement dressed up to be more serious than it actually is – I want to assure you again this line of enquiry is jugular! In fact, everywhere we look these days ranging from politics, economics, sociology and technology is redolent with an underlying struggle between real and the unreality of the matrix. It’s a serious question that will ultimately decide whether the future in Singapore will either be dystopia or utopia. The latter is only true if you believe the “facts” that you are typically fed isn’t hyped, spun, polled, statistically manipulated and timed to achieve a desired outcome. Again I may be obscure and vague again, but these days judging from what I read, see and hear what’s constitutes “reality” is frequently closer to the imagination than reality – and that’s disturbing!

3.“But Morpheus, how did it all happen without us knowing about it?” – Neo, the Matrix.

Let me give you an example: consider the word “authentic” which keeps cropping up like a demented Jack-in-the-box in billboards, soap, tin soup etc. The same word that was once used to describe a deeper meaning beyond just “real” is now reduced into a marketing tool word used to sell everything from cup noodle to sugar free green tea. Even this whole idea of “uniquely Singapore,” which if you think really hard about is has as much credibility as a baldy trying to sell hair care products. Now I can go all day throwing out examples, like the “war on terror” (please don’t get me started!) but you get the drift.

From where I am standing everyone these days is getting the latest edition of the “the 3 minute fake to real” software from politicians, business leaders, reporters, subject matter experts, pastors who drive sports cars to even celebrity bloggers. I am reminded we already live in the wired age, where technoconsumerism has not only systematically dumbed down people on staple diet of “less is more” and much of the damage is already inflicted. It has also exacerbated deep spirited “understanding,” by failing to address a host of concerns which constantly vex thinking people by bracketing much of serious discussions concerning race, religion and even politics. That’s what happens when PR-soaked, artificially flavored sound bites are typically passed off as cogent arguments. A whole generation of thinkers are exiled en mass. Or when polls and statistics are regularly used to replace deep spirited substantive debate – and when bloggers write two sentences, throw in a photo, cut and paste to give meaning to what’s happening with planet and people.

The culmination of all these short cuts is not only corrosive to understanding but also serves to merely amplify the “unreal” to suggest it’s for one moment “real” and when it’s done regularly, routinely and repetitively, it’s magically transformed into the truth. I have a word for this, it’s called –propaganda – brain washing – dumbing down!

4. “One day we just woke up to it Neo…no one really knows how the machines assumed total control….not even the oracle…” – Morpheus, the Matrix.

That in a nutshell is how we found ourselves living in the Matrix. By consenting by default to live in the “unreal”, some of you will undoubted protest, “I didn’t say yes! I am still an independent thinker, darkness!” You don’t say now! That’s only true if you didn’t understand the allure of living in the “unreal” or the matrix. For one it offers the allure of convenience and simplicity albeit at the expense of accuracy and content. Now just in case you think no sane person would possibly relegate the last two penalties for the trade off of easy and simple even if it happens to be a lie – how can you possibly explain reader’s digest, tabloid newspapers, soap opera’s, conspiracy theories, cult churches or even the commercial viability Mc Donald’s which typically churns out a healthy profit by serving unhealthy artery clogging and obese inducing food? Could you please explain that?

What most people fail to comprehend is the insidious “law of Valence” working silently and mysteriously in the background. Which simply states:

“If the trade off is between understanding more or less. The vast majority of people would opt for the latter, because they automatically assume “more” leads to more confusion.”

Market researchers have long leveraged on the valence formula that’s why if they want to sell you a car, they use only convenient sound bites. Politicians are into it as well, only they call their sound bites slogans e.g “war on terror.” So are do corporations only they dress up their slogans vision statements. In every case, the whole idea is to convey a message by compressing lenghty explanations into compact sound bite roughly the size of a cyanide pill. Yes folks, never a boring day in the Matrix! Here it’s even possible to discover the secrets of the entire universe by reading the text at the back of a chewing gum wrapper. That in a nutshell is the second stage to how we got comfortable in the matrix – we just stopped thinking!

If you don’t believe me, consider this; why does Stomp recruit celebrity and not intelligent bloggers? That would really only make sense if blogging is a medium that’s comparable to TV. The fact that you reading this (hopefully slowly!) and not watching or listening to it is self explanatory as to why it hardly makes one molecule of common sense!

You see that’s the beauty about the matrix. Nothing ever needs to make sense (are you speed reading? Slow down). It just needs to appear to do so. In unreal land content has nothing to do with building a cachet of discerning readers; neither do they need to consider whether those celebrity bloggers have enough processing power to engage you beyond tying your shoelaces. Everything is systematically reduced to a numbers game i.e 1,000 hits = 1,000 readers. It doesn’t go further to ask: whether those readers are using 2 cells in their gut or their higher cortexes when they are reading. Or even what’s the relative depth of their comprehension. The unreal world elides all these details wholesale and instead promotes the statistical logic, more is better. To accomplish this; articles need to be baby food processed to only 300 – 400 words to take into stock of your attention deficit (are you reading slowly?) which is roughly two index points higher than the average housefly. Cannot be more! Otherwise you will so open minded, your brains will simply spill out! In the matrix, all articles need to be written in and easy open ended way that doesn’t provoke you to think beyond your comfort zone (that incidentally, is where you die a bit at a time) – in short, the whole marketing manifesto of “fake is real” is predicated on one ratio. The necessary lie that makes the matrix real is; it’s capacity to sustain the information exchange by ingratiating and making it seemingly effortless even if it means sacrificing of the truth! Otherwise how else can it promote passivity? Think about it!

5. “You need to take the step Neo……this is where the road ends for me and begins for you!” Morpheus –the Matrix

And this is where I must stop and you must consider whether you want to continue further on – the choice is yours – the journey that is – because this is not an essay where I connect all the dots for you by telling you what is “real” and what’s “fake.” It doesn’t work that way if you are already in the Matrix and don’t even know it. It never did and never will. This is one of those one in a millionth instances when art actually mirrors life – like Neo in the movie, you have to consider doing it all by yourself.

6. “Afraid? Be afraid Neo, be very afraid….I can see no more…” – The Oracle – The Matrix.

But before you begin your journey to discovering the “real” Singapore (are you reading slowly?) – you have to appreciate at a deeper level a new compact has already been made. One where we have agreed to let technology take care of us. Technology or rather the agent of the “unreal” takes its cue from medicine, which, when it cannot cure, seeks to relieve suffering as efficiently as possible. And so we have a society in which the pain of knowledge is only increasing through the disease of ignorance. Is it such a wonder that a large segment of the population prefer to read shorter articles or take comfort in the powerful narcotics of materialism. Even if in the long run all it really does is exacerbate and deepen our sense of estrangement from whatever that is real.

As people grow ever more distracted and mesmerized by the mass culture marketed by the “unreal” world which can only offer reductionism, chelating, leaching and bleaching of states and minds and schools of thoughts into even smaller divisions of nanobites. The stakes rise because a tipping point will occur when the “real” will suddenly be transformed into the “unreal” and vice-versa. And what may I ask will happen to the tradition of precise and expressive language? Who will be the custodians of the “real” if in the onset of the “unreal” imperative results in an age so anxious that the pleasure or deeper meaning of a text becomes difficult if not impossible to sustain? Above all who may I ask will preserve a community of readers and writers, and the way in which members of a community here or elsewhere recognizes that nothing in the world seems as simple as its often painted out to be? Who?

In the distant future of the “unreal” worldscape, when serious reading dwindles to near nothingness, it simply means the word “identity.” As we know it would have reached full circle and it wouldn’t really matter what’s “real” or “fake” any longer – all that remains is the illusion of reality and that tragically would be the truth and nothing but the truth.

[If you have made it all the way here without speed reading, you stand a better than even chance of journeying to the truth and we will see you on the other side. God speed!]

I am darkness. 2007.

“You take the blue pill – the story ends here, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland …… Neo, I don’t know how it will end, all I can tell you for certain how your journey will begin.”

(By darkness – Political/ Social – EP 9992782-2007 – The Brotherhood Press 2007)

44 Responses to ““Where is the real Singapore today? Am I living in the Matrix?””

  1. These days, I spend my free time walking around, taking photos of places which I know will pass from our sight in the next few years. I explore places of memory which are still unmolested and attempt to capture what lies in between yesterday, today and the post-modern tomorrow which is already here today.

    I don’t know about anyone else, but I certainly feel that the perception of time has sped up and that I feel quite compressed sometimes, and it does not feel good at all.

  2. As It Is said

    Actually everything in this world is unreal, or surreal, whether it is in Singapore or elsewhere, in the past or at the present. We are just dreaming, going through magical illusions, or seeing mirages. Nothing is real.

    It is our own perception, believe and acceptance that make things real. First we perceive an object, then we use all the background knowledge in our memory and try to make meaning out of what we had perceived. After that, we either believe or disbelieve. If we believe, the we accept. If we disbelieve, then we reject. All the perceptions are the aggregate of all our senses. Once we are able to cut off these senses, we stop perceiving and grasping at things external. We start looking inwards into our mind. We start to meditate. Meditation is not thinking. If we keep thinking of something, that is not meditation. We have to let go of all our thoughts. We have to let our mind calm down, relax and REST.

    If our mind is able to rest like that, then we can enter into the deeper meaning of things. We can then meet the Truth (Reality) face to face. If we can reach there, then we will really know what is real and what is not real.

    We remain:

    AS IT IS!

  3. wbg said

    I sometimes wonder where does all the savings from discounted sales items go to, or was the original price a great illusion? Does it really cost $100 to make a piece of shirt? Perhaps it was never that valuable in the first place.

  4. prima delli said

    Bambi bad boy.

    You and I are abt the same age. So, I know exactly how you feel, but sometimes its better to just live in the matrix even if it isnt real. Through the years I found it very mah fan to fight it all the time. Nevertheless interesting article and I will definitely she you on the otherside, wait ok and tea and biscuits 😉

  5. sphgirl said

    bambi darkness bad boy is the main man. Liar, liar pants on fire! No blitzkrieg my scented foot. No? Yes? Whatever? 🙂

    Sorry to post on this line, someone has disabled all the lines.

  6. guppy said

    Good Morning boys

    It appears the old blitzkrieg machine is not what it used to be in the forum days. What happened? Run out of steam have we? Tsk Tsk!

  7. sumiko said

    Oh dear! Never mind there is always a next time. Your take off was good but the landing was er…..;) Enjoyed it thoroughly!

  8. sayuri said

    Hello B’hood Editors,

    I think you people seriously need to learn how to time and pace your publications. This whole the week the pace has been fast and furious adding much needed excitement to a rather sedated blogosphere. To spice up the scene Bambi is writing. So that naturally piques the interest of most readers to log in, especially those who may be infrequent visitors such as myself and I am sure word has also spread to some old and new readers to do the same. And when they log on, they are never disappointed because there is always something to read, but if you space the articles too far and wide, then I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to accomplish except generate frustration and disappointment. Believe it or not, some of us here have already graduated yonks ago! So do you really think, we would be interested in what happens to some tin pot university which decides to pull out of SG? I really think I prefer the old Blitzkrieg format where it just goes wham! wham! wham! till the counter goes crazy, then Bambi brings the curtain down with a big finale. This one just failed to have the same magical pull factor. The articles are brilliant complete with even the trade mark spelling mistakes etc. But all this will amount to nought without the timing. What you need to understand is you have to provision variety and choice for your readers that means you could have run the university and perhaps another article by bambi concurrently, that would have at least given many of your readers the benefit of choice. Believe it or not as strange as it may sound, people can read more than one article per site! Though judging from the way you ppl manage to crew the publications, you all seem to believe we can only read one article at the time. frankly that is demeaning and only demonstrates how disconnected some of you are with the readership!

    I really have to agree all of you just ran out of juice and all that just doesn’t add up to a very enjoyable internet experience. Thanks for listening and I sincerely hope my feedback will be taken seriously.


  9. you are living in the past.

    changes is everywhere and its real. accept it or go invent some machine and put your mind to an eternal dreamland like the matrix.

    wordy and irritating lousy post.

  10. darkness said


    “I sincerely hope my feedback will be taken seriously.”

    How long do you have? We never ever have a shortage of articles.

    All you had to do is ask and it shall be given.

    Inspir3d pls kindly run the next article.

    darkness 2007

  11. darkness said


    Hi Ben. Oh I see. You wondering how I know its you? lol

    Ben, did you know some traditional walking techniques, long considered merely exotic are biomechanically stunning.

    Women of Kikuyu tribe in Africa, can carry 2/3 of their body weight balanced on their heads at no extra metabolic cost! – in energetic terms, that works out to be more efficient than even military backpacks.

    When you walk around in the shadows as long as I have in the net, you just pick up a few tricks.

    Next time if you want to post charming compliments like that without getting fingered – restart your computer first when you log on, that way the fader memory in the cache spool doesnt gives you away.

    Now I bet you didn’t know that Ben.

    Next time when you are man enough to post under your own moniker, then perhaps, I will show you more tricks.

    Meanwhile don’t think so much and do enjoy the show.


    I am sorry. Let Harphoon’s post stand regarding the article. I just read his e-mail. Do ignore my earlier post. lol


  12. darknonsense said


    Hi Ben. I did not know it was you.

    Did you know some traditional walking techniques, long considered merely exotic are biomechanically stunning.

    Hi Say Ooi. I did not know it was you either.

    Did you know some traditional running techniques, long considered merely exotic could be achieved simply by using prosthetic limbs?

    Hi Kevin. I did not know it was you either.

    Did you know some traditional flying techniques, long considered merely exotic could get you so burnt you will hit the ground and cry foul.

    Hi Sisterhood. I did not know it was you either.

    Did you know some traditional deportation techniques, long considered merely exotic could get you so transmigrated you will change into the brotherhood.


    PS: Who the hell is Ben?

    And seriously, the blogosphere thinks the brotherhood 1) is a joke, 2) is not funny.


  13. darknonsense2 said

    Hello Darknonsense1,

    My name is Light. The Brilliant Lightness. Ya know? During the battle of Yadda Yadda, we fought with the Warru Warru, and defeated them 3 is to 1.

    Yes. Remember the Foundations of Organization. It was the only wand we had against the Warru Warru. If we lost it, Yadda Yadda would have been lost.

    A proud soldier of the Yadda Yadda.

    Yours Foundations of Org.

    Ugly as Ever,

    Yadda Yadda

  14. IamACensor said

    My name is Censoir,

    Call me Cen Sir.

    I am Part of the Brotherhood. I round around asking people to face me squarely and not delete my comments.

    But I delete comments about the Sisterhood.

    Nice to Meet You, Ooi.

    Cen Soir.

  15. chronicler said

    he is really getting under your skin isnt he!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehe 😉

  16. Scholarboy said

    Dark boy is screwing with his brain matter…..and its showing. He’s running around like a headless chicken.

    Chronicler can borrow a spare wheelset for tmr’s ride?

  17. Chronological said

    He is really getting un-der-your-skin-isnt-hee.


    In life, as in hee, there is shee, as there is death.


    The spare wheel destructs into space causing a comet to throw up in disgust, quitting the rat race.

    The return of the Romance of War and Karl Popperish around the town of Murakami Opera downwards towards my side of history without the Bell Jar singing a song.

    This song is live from golgotha, through which Wise Children might be freaked out by Frankenstein.

    And I say speak your name. Your Rank in the war of Warrau Warrau. Not Walau. Walau. Warrau. Warrau.

    Code to wheelbarrow: May I borrow a third wheel?

    IF you are with me, say Oei, if not say, Ooi

    And headless Chicken, be with me, stay strong. For it is not the head that rules the Chicken, but the Chicken that rules the head. Or issit?

    Say OEI!

  18. astroboy said

    hehe siaow lang hehe. Nice to have one of those live wires to liven things up from time to time – can be quiet dull here – SB I have a Mavic spare 29.1 / It should fit. Bring tools tomolo.

  19. inspir3d said

    “Next time if you want to post charming compliments like that without getting fingered – restart your computer first when you log on, that way the fader memory in the cache spool doesnt gives you away.

    Now I bet you didn’t know that Ben.

    Next time when you are man enough to post under your own moniker, then perhaps, I will show you more tricks.”

    “Did you know some traditional deportation techniques, long considered merely exotic could get you so transmigrated you will change into the brotherhood.


    nice to see u guys getting affectionate with one another. I think u should meet over coffee or tea one day. I would gladly arrange a nice tete-a-tete

  20. sphgirl said

    All this snidding is what those spaceboys are looking for. It just means they know, they are hitting you where it hurts.

    Now they are going to go hit the same spot again and again. It will be funny and yes, it will not be irritating.

    As for their readers all you have managed to accomplish is to make them more united.

    So at the end of the day you are contributing significantly to their success rather than their failure.

    And they even know exactly who you are. Like Lance Amstrong they are going to make sure, you dont even get a single hit. Not thats not funny and its certainly irritating, if you really think about it.

    Ta Ta

  21. >>

    Hi Ben. Oh I see. You wondering how I know its you? lol

    Ben, did you know some traditional walking techniques, long considered merely exotic are biomechanically stunning.

    Women of Kikuyu tribe in Africa, can carry 2/3 of their body weight balanced on their heads at no extra metabolic cost! – in energetic terms, that works out to be more efficient than even military backpacks.

    When you walk around in the shadows as long as I have in the net, you just pick up a few tricks.

    Next time if you want to post charming compliments like that without getting fingered – restart your computer first when you log on, that way the fader memory in the cache spool doesnt gives you away.

    Now I bet you didn’t know that Ben.

    Next time when you are man enough to post under your own moniker, then perhaps, I will show you more tricks.

    Meanwhile don’t think so much and do enjoy the show.


    I am sorry. Let Harphoon’s post stand regarding the article. I just read his e-mail. Do ignore my earlier post. lol


    honestly. you. are. crazy.

    “Next time if you want to post charming compliments like that without getting fingered – restart your computer first when you log on, that way the fader memory in the cache spool doesnt gives you away.”

    what nonsense?!

    siao kia.

    the brotherhood is really irritating. serious. you people post long chunks of chim rubbish which can be simplified and better-phrased with simple sentences. trying too hard to be sophisticated makes you look like a fool, or a lunatic mumbling to himself instead.

    oh and i do speed read when i find articles flawed and boring. your wordy productions are not catchy and interesting at all.

  22. i meet tonnes of crazy people on SBF everyday. you people are truly unique. just like UNIQUELY SINGAPORE!!

    i wont be surprised to see that the whole brotherhood is actually the work of a single person. type comment, clear cookies, type comment with another moniker, clear cookies, another nick, clear cookies….

    you can rant on and on forever. mr wang is right. the intelligentsingaporean is really not worth reading.

  23. guppy said


    Stat counter never ever lies.

    I must agree with sphgirl, they must really be getting under your skin.

    How’s your stat counter btw?

    Have a nice day. Btw they r not around. All of them are cycling today in Ubin.

  24. guppy said

    Whatever u want to say, they are still doing a pretty good job of hammering all of you in blogosphere.

    As the chronicler would say,

    “dont think so much and just enjoy the show.”

    Have a nice day, have to go and pay the bills now!

    Looking forward to the next article please, if thats possible.

    Is anyone listening?

  25. KOHO said

    I am been watching all this.

    OK la. I admit. I will come clean this time. I am actually samurai8787.

    I just did it bc, I thought the thread these days was a tad boring.

    I am also inspir3d, darkness, SB, AB, Harphoon etc all rolled into one.


    PS: This is hilarious! Reminds me of the flaming forum days. Never knew the IS could be so rowdy.

    I am even starting to enjoy it. My imaginary friends that is.

    No its not irritating and yes, its very funny like Mr Wang. hehehehehehehehe 🙂

  26. KOHO said

    Oh I just forwarded the thread to darkness’s communicator and received a reply almost instantly (very rare really, never happen bft, must die die buy 4D today!), it reads.


  27. KOHO doing damage control? lol.

    sammyboyforum is a much better place than here. continue deluding yourselves peep.

    my last post bye.

  28. KOHO said

    KOHO doing damage control? lol.

    sammyboyforum is a much better place than here. continue deluding yourselves peep.

    my last post bye. (hopefully)

    (sorry forgot to change the tag! Forgetful me. Pls remind me next time kitana)

  29. prima delli said


    Truth just hurts too much, I guess. I can only speculate. Bambi bad boy darkness has always had a strong pull factor whenever he writes. That doesn’t accord to well with some ppl in the past or even now. I am not suprised. So they are bound to be jealous like in the forum days.

    Try harder and dont be such a green eyed monster. If you are smart, you will try to learn from them – how they pulled it of? That is. Besides where did slagging ever get anyone any where. Write something post it and let the people judge. Thats how mature ppl deal with disagreements. In other words learn to compete. Peace out. Love. Prima. I dont belong to the b’hood btw and I am certainly my own person. So there. Deal with it Samurai! You are just a petulant sploit brat. Now do run along.

    Why is the other line closed KOHO?

  30. Kitana said

    I honestly don’t care what you guy(s) try to do with yourselves on IS, because I’m only here to read the aggregated feeds. But if you are going to pretend to be myself or my bf, at least do it more convincingly, i.e. by knowing my real name for one. If not, then don’t bother.


  31. koalabear said

    Yeap, they’re jealous alright. Those spaceboys r in Ubin. No one is home.

  32. ben said

    Dear all, esp. Say Ooi,

    I am very sorry.

    My name is Ben. I previously blogged at I am also widely known as Kitana’s bf. I have previously posted as Darknonsense, Darknonsense1, Cen Soir (above), have suggested that Say Ooi is associated in someway or another with Darkness or the Brotherhood. That was without merit, and entirely speculative. It was hurtful, irresponsible, potentially harmful, and unnecessarily so. It was wrong to do so. I apologize. I will like to retract any such statement made to the effect. To make things clear, I have not posted as Samurai8787.



  33. Lassie said

    This thread is absolutely filled with rubbish. However, the write up is very good. I am glad that while they are trying their level best to destroy everything, they cant do anything to the main post. Neither can they stop us all from logging in and reading it either. When may I ask will the next article come out? Bambi doesn’t write very often, but when he does, it just makes all the difference in the world. One can never be too sure abt him, one day he is here and the next he’s just gone off somewhere so very far away. Its nice to have him here. It just doesnt happen very often that is all.

  34. lady of the lake said

    He is here that is all that really matters….but when they time comes, he will go as he pleases.

    “Shadow is a Singaporean super cat. When I walk to the MRT every morning, he always walks ahead of me. This cat believes, he is my protector. Whenever I return in the evenings, shadow is always there, waiting by the steps. He walks like a silent sentinel. Some evenings, he just looks into our hall, he never demands to come in, he just looks on with his supernaturally big eyes. When he does come in, we never likes the door to be shut so we all leave it slightly open.

    Shadow loves nasi lemak. My Ah Kong says, Shadow has probably travelled to Malaysia once upon a time because he knows how to climb trees something which Singaporean cats haven’t quite learnt yet.

    There are times when shadow stares out of the kitchen window and he just looks out. He sticks out his tongue as if smelling the air and you simply know, he is readying himself to leave again.”

    You know this because before he goes, he always looks up jealously at birds who fly to the South, as if he too had wings and during those moments, he is extra nice. So very sweet and charming.

    I once bought a cage from cash converter to stop shadow from running away. When I told my Ah Kong about it, he simply shook his head and said shadow wasn’t like the other cats in the estate, there was too much of the wild in him.

    So I just let it be. One evening when I realized the story was coming to an end and when that happens Shadow always slips away.

    I just had this feeling in my heart to go out to the void deck and look out.

    I saw the Singaporean super cat in the distance as if he was just waiting for me to wave good bye. Then in a blink of an eye, he slipped away into darkness.”

    Someday Shadow will return. Someday my wish is: Shadow will stay.

  35. aibo said

    “I honestly don’t care what you guy(s) try to do with yourselves on IS, because I’m only here to read the aggregated feeds. But if you are going to pretend to be myself or my bf, at least do it more convincingly, i.e. by knowing my real name for one. If not, then don’t bother”

    Sure we believe you. Everyone comes here just to read the aggregated feeds, no one actually reads material from the brotherhood press. Sure we really believe you. Really we do. There are illusions in this world and there are illusions within illusions. Really, I dont know which is worst. On reflection, it was best for you to leave and please dont come back!

  36. inspir3d said

    I believe Kitana’s comments were made in the absence of full information.

    I would like this public spat to cease with immediate effect. Further comments of this nature will be deleted.

    Any gripes or misgivings on either side can be taken up with me personally.

  37. Lassie said

    This thread is full of rubbish. I dont even know why you bother Aibo Baby.

    When is the next article coming out?

  38. kerry said

    I have been reading b’hood press for over 5 yrs. First time posting. Just want to say, hello darkness and I am glad you are here. I finally did it! K

  39. HDB said

    Cats are not allowed to be kept in HDB flats as they are nomadic in nature and difficult to be confined in the flats.

  40. scb said

    We are far from Nature(natural) because we have become artificial!

  41. Rubbish Remover said

    This thread is very interesting. The main post by darkness is refreshing and revealing. We should learn to look at things from different angles and with an open mind. Only people with one-track minds think that this thread is rubbish.

    I am the Rubbish Remover.

  42. spursfan said

    Watch ‘The Island’, and picture yourself in the facility the clones are housed in.. it ahouldn’t be hard as it feels just like home, well at least to me anyway. Happy National Day everyone 😉

  43. Dave Spart said

    You would do well to watch numerous of the documentaries made by British filmmaker Adam Curtis. They are free to watch on Google Video. His movies “The Century of the Self” and “The Trap” will explain a great deal. There is great truth in what you say.

    Also if you do not know about the existence of organizations such the The Bilderbergers and The Illuminati I suggest you get reading.

    Finally, now the financial and economic catastrophes are in full swing I thoroughly recommend you watch Bill Still’s truly breath-taking “Money Masters” video which again is free on Google Video.

    What is the Matrix? The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes, to blind you from the truth.

    With the suggestions above, all I’m offering you is the truth : nothing more.

  44. casey said

    This has to be one of the most brilliant pieces ever published by the brotherhood press.

    Can I ask one question. Why cant you people move into a blog like most people?

    If you choose not to answer this. I understand.

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